Rules for across the entire community and all servers:

  • Be respectful of other members, be kind and civil, follow the discord community guidelines:
  • No Nudity
  • No Spam
  • Do not advertise other groups/servers in forums, on servers, or in discord
  • Do not post personal information that would give away your location in the forums
  • Report rule breaking to the admin staff, do not publicly accuse players, even in general
  • Report Issues/Bugs about mods and games to Aura Fury Admins first, not mod creators/game devs (Issue could be specific to us)
  • Zero Tolerance for griefing
  • Build with significant distance from other player bases, you should not be able to see their base within max view distance on the server (except when you have permission)
  • No stealing (even if they have a lot of an item and would never know)
  • Do not bother other player's animals without permission
  • Do not leave large amounts of running water (out in the world or for automatization)
  • Do not use other players' power/machines without permission
  • Do not beg for free items or to be made part of other player teams
  • Please refrain from giving out free items to new players beyond very basic items, instead encourage trading
  • Be respectful of player bases and do not mine veins directly around or below their base
  • Follow Aura Fury Terms and Conditions: terms and conditions

Minecraft Server Rules

  • No Buildcraft Quarries over water
  • Remove all lavafalls created in nether from pumping
  • No more than 10 of the same animal in one area
  • Do not connect Alvearies directly to each other with item pipes/conduit/Me Cable (BC Pipes are ok)
  • All automatic systems must have an automatic cutoff (preferred) or voiding of excess items. Overflows may not drop items into the world
  • Max of 27 chunks loaded via loaders per individual playing on there own
  • Teams get 27 chunks loaded + 9 for each teammate
  • Each team is allowed to claim one vein that is not being actively mined (this does not include veins at a player base

7 Days to Die Server Rules

  • Leave more than 2 hours before hoard night begins and leave a message in discord that hoard not starts soon so the player who logs in knows
  • Avoid resetting POIs of player bases are inside
  • Do not build in higher difficulty POIs (it is recommended to avoid building in POIs all together if you can avoid it)
  • Do not block other players from being able to get to traders

Vintage Story Server Rules

  • Do not destroy the roads or take the light sources/fruit bushes by them
  • Do not build roads in the sky / Support bridges that you make
  • Animals are capped at 15 Chickens, 15 Cows, 15 Sheep, and 15 Pigs per team/base
  • Do not beg for free items or to be made part of other player teams
  • Please refrain from giving out free items to new players beyond very basic items, instead encourage trading
  • Sleeping or not must be unanimous to work and remains the choice(s) of online player(s)
  • Must do a land claim where you established yourself to protect your valuable(s)
  • Be respectful of player bases and do not mine veins directly around or below their base
  • All TLs are allowed to be private (this applies to all VS servers). Riverlands please be sure to note it on the webmap if you make a TL private. It is recommended to make clear paths through your claims to TLs for others, but not required.
  • Class changes are only allowed once per server and must be requested via a help ticket


Ark Server Rules

  • No building inside/near artifact caves or locations. No blocking access to them. If you do not know which caves artifact caves are, ask an admin in-game or post in Discord.
  • No building/blocking entrances inside/near bee cave in ISO.
  • No building/blocking of Aberration Zone entrances in Valguero.
  • No spamming of pillars/foundations near beach spawn locations to prevent new players from building.
  • No meshing. Some terrain will not line up with the world border and can be walked into without any meshing methods. These areas are not considered meshing and are allowed as there are several in ISO.
  • Tribes/players caught bullying other players (caging or keeping prisoner indefinitely) is punishable either by wipe or ban (case by case basis).
  • Any exploit abuse will be stopped and/or be punishable by wipe or ban (case by case basis).
  • Each tribe can build up to 3 bases per map.
  • Keep tribe names the same across the cluster.

Overwatch and FPS

  • Be respectful of the opponents and practice good sportsmanship
  • Please stay to the end of a match whenever possible
  • Please be versatile in your roles in the group so that everyone gets a chance. That means choosing an absolute minimum of 2 roles in role queue as well!


Content Creation on Aura Fury

  • All our servers have youtubers and streamers on them that can be recording at any time. By joining our community, you consent to being recorded in our community.
  • Content Creators are allowed to monetize and accept donations on streams and recordings on Aura Fury servers provided they follow these rules. They also have permission to use the Aura Fury logo, Aura Fury graphics from the discord, and server names in streams and recordings provided they follow these rules
  • Our streamers will be respectful of all members, Aura Fury, and content created by Aura Fury members.
  • Do not use the Aura Fury name in conjunction with pushing political policies, parties, candidates, or endorsing companies and products
  • Make it clear donations go to you and are not intended for Aura Fury when using Aura Fury’s name
  • You must get permission to use Aura Fury's name, logos, or graphics on merchandise such as clothing


Phasmophobia and Other Ghost Hunting Games

  • Mute your mic in discord when in game
  • Do not use any forms of communication with current players outside of what is in Phasmophobia when you are dead


Esports Teams

  • Must be willing to accept constructive criticism
  • Only give constructive criticism and complements
  • Team composition needs to be versatile in match/adjusting is going to be required at times. You will need to be willing to be flexible
  • Go in with an open mind on rank, keep your expectations realistic. We are playing with a mixed group of skill levels
  • There is a higher expectation of sportsmanship for Aura Fury competitive games
  • Schedules will be decided ahead of time, if you cannot make it you need to say so well in advance and make an attempt to find a sub then contact your coach
  • Match/Play review time will be required for the team
  • Focus on what you can improve yourself
  • Practice just as much on your own as you do with the team